Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Spotify for Linux, KDE, and global media keys.

You're reading my first ever blog post, and for that I'd just like to apologise in advance.

You love music, and what Spotify does for you, you say? As do I!
I also happen to enjoy playing around with Linux, and if you happened upon this blog, chances are so do you.

The two work fairly well together, but it also lacks a few things here and there; one of those things are global Media Hotkeys!

The solution is fairly simple in KDE after Spotify included D-bus support, and that's what I'll be showing you.

A python script exists that enables song notification and global hotkeys, but I don't know if it works 
with KDE, and the last version closes unexpectedly for me, so it might not even be working at all.

First, go to:
System Settings > Shortcuts and Gestures

Under "Custom Shortcuts" we'll be adding four entries, this is done by right-clicking the white field, and in the menu selecting:
New > Global Shortcut > D-Bus Command

Entry #1 "Spotify Play":
Having named and selected the new shortcut, you will have three tabs on the right:
[Comment] [Trigger] [Action]
Fairly straight forward right? The comment is just that, a comment; the trigger is what key or key-combo you will use to trigger the shortcut; "Action" is what the shortcut will do.

Head to the "Action" tab, here you will see four text fields:
Remote Application, Remote Object, Function, and Arguments.
We'll be using the first three fields.

Remote Applications:        org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify
Remote Object:                /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2
Function:                          org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.PlayPause

Now, head to the "Trigger" tab, here you will bind your preferred key.
Simply click once on the only button there, and then they key or key-combination you wish to bind it to.

Hit "Apply" in the lower right corner.

You have now successfully bound your Media Key "Play" as a global shortcut for spotify.

Entry #2 "Spotify Stop":
The only difference here is what function the shortcut has, and which key you bind.
Function:                          org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Stop

Entry #3 "Spotify Next":
 Function:                          org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Next

Entry #4 "Spotify Previous":
 Function:                          org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Previous


  1. This worked fine, though with Amarok installed it conflicted wth that so I had to assign it as ctl-play/pause. I was wondering how you found the right functions?

  2. Credit goes to this page for the dbus commands:

  3. This used to work great for me, but now, using Spotify, it no longer works. Pressing play/pause, forward, or backward, nothing happens.

    Any ideas why?

  4. I just found a workaround, over at this forum:
